Saturday, December 10, 2005


PP pray for u, good mood everyday~~~~

我跟小雨分手了,结束了这场历时7个月的情感短跑,唯一觉得遗憾的是我们都没有到达终点,突如其来的交通堵塞使我们同时失去了比赛的资格,所以没什么好伤心的,交通事故而已,无法避免的话,就只能小心驾驶了~~~~。(ps,第一次见面 01/2005,第一次接吻26/03/2005,第一次做爱27/03/2005, 我想说的是,这一切都来的太快了,让我无法招架,来不及反映)
incoming call, to be continu, later

Tuesday, August 2, 2005


PP pray for u, good mood everyday~~~~


Monday, June 6, 2005

My messy mind Posted by Hello

Love is Love

PP pray for u, good mood everyday~~~~
I thought that i am two saprate parts from long time ago, one is sprite another is body. God combine this two part and give it to my parents, let me have chance watch this different word, therefore thanks to god and my parents.
The funny thing is that i dont even belive there are god in this word.
Anyway, felt a bit confuse so far, i had phone call to my parents, same as every time, i do't really feel comfort under that kinds fo presure. i knew that i am the lucky one, but i am just to lazy to handle everything, maybe that book which Dad recommend to me will change it.

thx god, thank you so much, no matter what will happen in future.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Some thing need to be changed

PP pray for u, good mood everyday~~~~

I have not type in English for long time, but luckily I still remember how to do it. Seems everything goes bad science start of this year, visa, job, parents, money, uni,exactly everything. I can still survier under this pressure or situation maybe it's because I am weaker than what I am suppose to be~~~~~~
Mum had call me two days ago, that was first time that she was angry about me science last three years, i was also shocked by both my parent at that time, i dont even konw how to explain to them that what actually going on in my life. Talk was ended by my father's shout, Mum said i have 3 weeks time to prepare the answer for them.what's answer? i am still asking at this time .

Good luck then Frank

Friday, April 8, 2005


PP pray for u, good mood everyday~~~~

在这两个星期的时间里,发生了许多许多事情,多到让我现在也无法完全接受,在刚刚有了first kiss之后的第二天我便结束了自己22年的处男生 涯,其中的感觉就好像刚出锅的肉一样,虽然可口但已经没有血液在其中了。接下来的日子里,我便有了自己的女朋友-小雨,到现在我还是无法接受这样的事实, 虽然我们可以在白天做爱,可以一起吃一碗饭,可以在大街上随便的接吻、拥抱、牵手。我想我是喜欢她的,就像我对她的解释:我喜欢你是因为你喜欢我,理由虽 然牵强了些,可我至少做到了一个男友应进的责任,关怀她让她开心可乐~~~
  easter的时候去了Hunter valley,后来的第二天又去了Mona vule,有机会的话,会陆续post上来,以自纪录于鼓励~~

Monday, April 4, 2005

Mum's morning call

PP pray for u, good mood everyday~~~~

There is little rain this morning, sky was also dark, people alsways sleepy and bull under this weather.
I had incoming call when I was doing open in store, I just had bad feeling that everything I receive incoming without number or under private number recently. But this call is really make my mind up, that's my mum's call!!
Her voice is quiet nuvers, sounds like some terrible things happened( yes it is,
but of course i would not tell them), suddenly

back to work
to be continue later

Saturday, March 26, 2005

First kiss

PP pray for u, good mood everyday~~~~
